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SARA III Section 302 Facility Information

The Saginaw County Local Emergency Planning Committee meets quarterly to review and update off-site response plans for SARA III facilities in Saginaw County that are subject to Section 302, namely those with extremely hazardous substances (EHSs) on-site in amounts above certain thresholds.

Under Section 312, facilities are required to provide the local LEPC with specific hazardous chemicals at the facility at any time during the previous calendar year.  This report is known as the Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Report.

Report Due Dates

  • Initial reports are due to the Saginaw County LEPC within 3 months after the chemical threshold is first met or exceeded. 
  • Annual reports must be submitted annually between January 1 and March 1.
  • The LEPC may ask a facility operator to provide Safety Data Sheets for a hazardous chemical stored at the facility.  The owner must provide the SDS within 30 days after receipt of the request.

Submitting Reports to the Saginaw County LEPC

Required reporting information can be submitted in the following ways:

  • Electronically by emailing the required information to
  • Hard copies can be mailed to the LEPC at:

Saginaw County Emergency Management--LEPC

111 S. Michigan Ave

Saginaw, MI 48602

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